The World has lost
the Greatest "MAN"
I have ever known

May 07
1940 - JULY 24 2005
Robert Gongora known to all as "Bobby G."
lived life to its fullest taking Great pride in being an AMERICAN
Served in the Army and spent his life pursuing his passions
of Family, Hard Work, Golf and Hunting
Bobby had a strong bond with his Family, from his Parents + Wife to his
Grand Children
I never met anyone who had more Loyal Friends than Bobby G.

Knowing Bobby changed my
life for the better, as was the case with
everyone that knew him.
Bobby was a true leader, He always pushed everyone hard to be there
and did the same for himself, He never asked anyone to do anything he
couldn't or wouldn't do himself!

To work for Bobby was a true test of will (Really) at 7am he became
an Animal who would work you like a Slave, never letting up for a
moment and out-working everyone in the process.
(we had many other names
for him at work)
By the time 3:30pm came
around you would be sick of seeing and
hearing him,
grateful that you had survived the ordeal and couldn't wait to
get away.
Then from out of nowhere this guy that looked like the boss
would walk up and offer you a "Cold Beer" and a smile,
like it was the first time he
had seen you all day !
was his creed

To catch Bobby at rest
like seeing a Humming Bird asleep "Rare if
He never wasted a minute, His calling was to build with Lumber,
He often said he would work till the day he died
He worked everyday and then he would go help others after work
To Bobby if you weren't working you were "Burning Daylight" a Sin to
him !
For nearly 30 years Bobby put together a Hunting trip every
September called
" Seven Fools Trail " packing out of Kennedy Meadow's in the High
The Carson Iceberg Wilderness Area was his playground !
The few times I went along I could hardly breathe
and was content to lug around a VHS Camera just shooting the
spectacular scenery
Bobby on the other hand would leave camp late at night hikeing
over peaks then down into his favorite valley, Often shooting a Large
Buck that he would drag back to
camp usually by himself, as it is hard to get the attention of others
"resting" back at camp

A good year for Bobby
included at least 2 or 3 hunting trips with his
Brother(s) and friends traveling to Colorado as well as some "short
trips" close to home
Bobby allways said "You Never Know" as if he
He "LOVED" Golf, had to
be the first group out "Year Round"
Shot a "Hole in One" and often was "The Whipper"
having beaten the Regular Crowd "Again".
On JULY 24 2005 Bobby G. went to the Golf Course
with his Friends as
usual, but instead of starting with the others
He was given a Tee Time in
I'll bet he shot an 18
If I ever felt shorted by
Bobby G. It was only that I didn't meet him sooner !!

I won't pretend to be
qualified or worthy to write a Life Story of such a Great
Person !
His advice on Life came from Experience as well as from his Heart
Bobby G. was and will allways be "Bigger than Life"
I still can not grasp the fact that He will never drive up in his truck
That he has taken off his pouches for the last time
That I have had my last beer with him
That we are now left to make it on our own
This is TOUGH !!!!!